The Pacman Nebula

The Pacman Nebula (NGC281) is a gas cloud located in the constellation Cassiopeia. This nebula is named after the classic arcade game character.

Despite being fairly bright, it cannot be spotted with the naked eye due to its composition of gases. You might be able to see it using a pair of binoculars or a visual telescope from a very dark location. An easy way to locate is by finding the constellation’s iconic “W” shape and, from the middle star, aim just a bit “under” the W. 


Designation: NGC281

Known As: The Pacman Nebula

Apparent Size: 35′ x 30′

Magnitude (lower is brighter): 7.4

Distance from Earth: 9,200 LY

Two Hour Imaging Using a Bicolor Filter

The image above was taken in a Bortle 7 backyard sky, over the coarse of two nights, using the ZWO Duo-Band Filter. This only allows Ha and OIII light through to the sensor, giving rich red and teal colors.

Integration Time: 3.1 hours
RGB: 38 x 300sec
BIN: 1×1
Gain: 110
Temperature: -10° C
Bortle Scale: 7

Darks: 10
Flats: 30
Dark Flats: 30
Offset/Bias: 30

Hydrogen Alpha Data
Oxygen III Data

The Cassiopeia Constellation

Cassiopeia (Seated Queen) is easily recognizable due to its distinctive ‘W’ shape, formed by five bright stars.

A dense portion of the Milky Way goes through Cassiopeia containing a number of open star clusters, galactic disc stars, and nebulae, including the Pacman Nebula, Heart Nebula and the Soul Nebula.

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*General information regarding constellations, galaxies, nebulae, and planets have been sourced from: AstroBackyard, VisibleDark, Wikipedia, EarthSky, and NASA.

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